Eight Daze A Week
I know it has been a while since the last post. But I have been in a real daze this week! Literally. It started out with our quick trip to Disneyland. Since Auntie Mommy hadn't been there for a while and was paying for her ticket we let her stay as long as she wanted. We left at about 4am that morning. I dropped them off at the gate and then headed to the back of the park to do my paperwork. I was done in about an hour and joined the rest of the crew just as they were getting off the Finding Nemo submarines. We had a fun day together. But because we were only there for one day, Auntie Mommie decided to only buy a park ticket, so we didn't make it over to California Adventure to try and improve my Midway Mania score. I went back to the car a couple times for naps so we could get home that night. I think everyone did just about everything they wanted and we got home at about 1:30 Tuesday morning.
On Tuesday I got a call from the King County Office of Education asking me if I was still interested in the position I applied for. I had very mixed feelings when I told them I was. It is a technology consulting position where I would go into the classrooms and work with the teachers implementing technology in the classroom. It pays very well. So now I am in the dilemma of what if I really get this thing. I would have to take it, of course. And there would go my Disneyland dream. But I could always keep going as an annual passholder. To make the King County position more palitable, I have been researching big (and I mean BIG) screen HDTV's. That is what I am going to do with my first paycheck if I get the King County job. That and Direct TV in time to watch the baseball playoffs and World Series. So now, if I look at it that way, either way I win!
Wednesday, (yesterday) I had to prepare for my procedure today. I spent most of the day sitting on the toilet.
Today I had my procedure. The worst part was getting the IV started. It took four sticks. Now my arm looks my face when I use an old razor blade. I have wads of cotton stuck all up and down my arm. It looks kind of funny, I think. But then I was loaded with Demoral and Valium, so I probably think everything is funny today. They also gave me Verced so I won't remember anything. We'll see. So far I haven't forgotten too much. At least as far as I can remember, that is. And the good news...I am clean. No problems! I had a shower this morning. I think.
And that pretty much sums up the week!
1 comment:
You forgot to mention how crabby you were on Wednesday.
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