Monday, May 10, 2010

Post Cards From My Cell Phone

Welcome From Simi Valley, CA!
This week we dig into our archives of unused Post Cards! This time from the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA. I don't care what your political preference is, if you like history like I do, a presidential library is a treasure trove just waiting to be found! On my visit, about a year ago, I toured rooms and rooms of history dealing with presidential history. Of great interest was a walk through the old Air Force 1 with displays on how presidents used this unique airplane, and of greatest interest was the Magna Carta: The REAL Magna Carta! At first I thought it was a replica, but the armed guards and the inches thick bullet proof glass convinced me otherwise. You never know what treasure you might turn up in a presidential library!

The Reagan Library has breath taking views of the valley below it. I also took a picture of me at the Reagan grave site. I listened in to a tour of high schoolers and learned that a stairway to the crypt is under these large concrete slabs that look like, and actually are a part of the walkway. The stairs go down to large metal doors that in turn open up into the crypt. I wonder if there is a light switch down there?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Adventures With Norman

Norman's Cousin At The Zoo
While at the Zoo we got to visit with a couple of Norman's cousins. There were two African Spur Tortoises there. One was about Norman's size and the other was about twice his size. GrandX wasn't interested in visiting very long. He told me: Grandbob, we don't need to go to the zoo to see Norman! He wanted to see the elephants. Grandbob doesn't have elephants in his backyard.

The middle picture is of Norman's cousin at the zoo. The other two pictures are of Norman last summer.

Post Cards From My Cell Phone

Greetings From Fresno, CA
Chaffee Zoo
The grandX just celebrated his third birthday and he wanted nothing more than to go to the zoo to see the elephants! (I tried to get him to go to Disneyland, but Dad vetoed it.) Since Fresno is the city closest to us with a zoo, that's where we went: The Chaffee Zoo.
I had never been there before but was pleasantly surprised at how nice of a little zoo they have. They had a wide variety of animals in nice enclosures, but most importantly, lots of shade. We saw elephants, tigers, bears, but no lions; unless of course you want to count sea lions. Everyone had fun. I tried taking a trademark self portrait while holding the GrandTobster but almost dropped him into the elephant enclosure. After that Grandmama had to hold him for me.

This is the only picture I got of the GrandX. Looks like he is going to be a plumber when he grows up!