Or What Did I Do In The Summer Time
In order to keep everyone coming back to this thing I guess I had better keep updating. I'm sure that is going to tax my creative juices. After I posted the first entry I was thinking about what to do next. Things are kind of slow right now. What would I write about to keep this thing interesting. And then I started hearing back from people I hadn't heard from in a long time, and realized they didn't know what was going on with me in my life, I mean, I don't even know what 's going on in my life most of the time. And this summer has been very eventful. So I decided to do the What I Did Over the Summer essay.
Here it goes...
Here it goes...
My Summer
I had a very interesting summer. I would say it started back in May when I finally got my Disneyland Pass renewed. I had decided it was time to do it again. So I went down and got it. While I was there I decided to do an attraction I had never done before. So on my way in, I stopped by Casting and put my application in. I call it an attraction because it is just another Disney experience and thought it would be fun to try it out. You have to go into the backlot area to get to HR and see places you have never seen before. When I got there, they asked me what I wanted to do. As you know I really want to be a steam locomotive engineer at Disneyland, but I didn't want to give everything away and play all my chips as soon as I walked in the door, so I told them I wanted to be a prince so I could be with all the beautiful princesses around the park. They laughed at me. I was quite serious. But they laughed anyway. Then they asked me if I had had any experience as a prince. I said, "no, but I'm sure I can learn quickly and do a good job at it. " They said, "No." They told me that I wasn't really what they were looking for in a prince. Then they asked me if there was anything else I wanted to do. So, then I told them I wanted to be a steam locomotive engineer. They asked me again if I had any experience doing that. I told them I had model trains! They weren't too impressed with that either. They asked me again if there was anything else I wanted to do. By now I was starting to catch on. I thought quickly about what I had experience in doing. There was only one thing that came to mind. I could pick up trash! They didn't ask me if I had any experience doing that. They just told me to go in watch a video, take a computer based test, which I passed, and they told me to come back in June. In June I went back and they told me everything was filled and to come back in September. So just wait until next month to see what happens. In the meantime, I have spent several days at my favorite place on earth. With the opening of the new Toy Story Midway Mania attraction I have spent several hours in line in order to spend a couple minutes honing my target shooting skills. For those of you new to Disney, or not familiar with the new attractions, Toy Story Mania is a 4D shooting gallery. You travel in a tram to different target stations and shoot your cannon at targets in various galleries with different toy story themes. You wear 3D (4D?) glasses so it looks like your cannon is really shooting. In the galleries you break plates, pop balloons, throw pies, and do many other things. You really have to experience it to understand it. Probably the biggest thing I did over the summer was spend it with the Xbaby (grandson). For all of you that I have been delinquent in keeping up to date with, yes, I am a grandaddy. That makes me sound old, doesn't it? To Xbaby, I am Grandbob. Anyway, Xbaby moved to California and soon after he got here, he got really sick and had to be airlifted to Loma Linda Hospital in Southern California. There he was in ICU for about two weeks and put on an artificial lung.
Fortunately, as an answer to all of our prayers, he recovered quickly. From what looked like a very bleak outcome, X has recovered nicely and is doing well, taking up right from where he left off.
I had finally decided if I was going to be in California, and smack dab right between 4 major league baseball teams that I was going to go to baseball games. The day before X got sick I bought two tickets to the Boston Red Sox/LA Angels baseball game. With X in the hospital being so sick, I wasn't sure I was going to get to use my tickets. But on the day of the game, X was released about three hours before game time so I took Mama X to the game and left baby X at home with grandmama. Oh, Boston lost.
So that brings us up to about now. What am I doing now? Not much. I have attended training so I can do training for the San Joaquin County Department of Education teaching teachers how to use a web-based MIS tool called SEIS. I already have one subbing assignment for the end of the month, six training assignments for September, and looking for other things to fill my calendar up with. And that was what I did for the summer. Well, there is more, but I'm saving it for later.

So that brings us up to about now. What am I doing now? Not much. I have attended training so I can do training for the San Joaquin County Department of Education teaching teachers how to use a web-based MIS tool called SEIS. I already have one subbing assignment for the end of the month, six training assignments for September, and looking for other things to fill my calendar up with. And that was what I did for the summer. Well, there is more, but I'm saving it for later.
Great site Bob!! Maybe the Atkinson, Topeka and the Santa Fe RR is looking for an engineer?? How about KnoxBerry Farms??? Remember what the Little Red Choo Choo Train said.....I think I can, I think I can't, either way I'm right!! Liven up my dreary life with some more of your adventures. I haven't even been to DisneyLand! Leo
I'm so glad little X is OK! Give our love to Tanner and Anya.. We miss them around here but I'm sure they don't miss Socorro. I know I wouldn't! What a cutie-pie that little X is!
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