Tuesday, September 2, 2008



A Fort Worth, Texas man known for his love of Bob's Own Gourmet Ice Cream has discovered indisputable evidence that Big Foot does exist. Mike Cream says it has been in his backyard all along. He just never realized it. "It wasn't until those guys from Georgia had that news conference about their finding big foot." Mike says eating a huge bowl of Sweet Cream Bob's Own Gourmet Ice Cream.

Mike took a break from attending the Olympics last month to go to the widely publicized news conference in Palo Alto, CA. It was then he started thinking that he had seen something very familiar right in his own backyard.
"I was looking at some plaster molds they had made of his footprint and was thinking, I had seen something that shape. Seen it like everyday. Just that I couldn't remember where I had seen it before." After he flew home from the Olympics and headed out back for a swim it dawned on him. The footprint. It was his swimming pool! "It's the perfect shape." Mike explains. He points out the features as he talks. "Here's the heel." And then he points at the middle point of the pool. "And the arch." And in fact it does look like a huge foot print. "You just can't see the toes because they would be on the other side of the fence over there."

Mike confirmed his suspicions when he contacted the builder of the pool. The builder claims that he doesn't remember much about building the pool 30 years ago. Mike claims it's because there wasn't much to remember. "All they did was line the footprint with cement." Mike claims. "The perfect cover up."

If Mike's claims are true, then Big Foot would have been gigantic. Mike's pool/footprint measures just under 20 feet long which famed Disney Anthropologist Albert Falls, whom Schweitzer Falls on the World Famous Jungle Cruise were named after says, "puts it at around 180 feet tall. Mike says that if you get a Google satellite picture of the area and see all the pools you can actually see the path this ancient Big Foot actually walked. "My pool isn't the only one around here." says Mike.

Asked what his plans were for his new found discovery, Mike says, "Ah, I'm just going to have a pool party this weekend and serve lots of Bob's Own Gourmet Ice Cream Sweet Cream. "Maybe I'll have everyone dress up as Big Foot or something." It might be easier to spot the real Big Foot this weekend since the owner of the costume shop that sold the fake Big Foot costume to the imposters has a six week waiting list.

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