Discovering Your Geekiness
or Nerdiness, or Dorkiness, or Dweebness
or Nerdiness, or Dorkiness, or Dweebness
Dear Bob,
I am having trouble discovering who I really am. Lately, many people have taken to calling me a dork. I am not really sure what a dork really is. I have always seen myself as a nerd; possibly a geek, but not a dork. Now I am not sure what I really am. What is the difference anyway. Confused Dork, or is it Geek, or Nerd. I don't know. Dear Confused, Just recently I have stumbled across the answer to your dilemma. It is all right here in this chart.
As you can see it really depends on where you fall in the overlap of the three circles: Intelligence, Obsession, or Social Ineptitude. All you have to do is determine where your greater characteristic is and then your minor characteristics. Then chart it to the circles and look for your overlap. For example: If your major characteristic is social ineptitude, and you think you've go some intelligence and very little obsession, then you would actually be a Dweeb and not a nerd, geek or dork. Whereas if you thought you were really about the same in everything, then you would be a nerd. Go ahead and chart yourself. There is nothing more empowering than self awareness.
Do you need help from Bob? Send in your questions to the Bob Blog and someday Bob just might get around to answering them. The answers supplied for Bob are not necessarily the opinions of this blog and are meant for meaningful self-help assistance. For advice, e-mail Bob at dearbob@boboston.com.
I am having trouble discovering who I really am. Lately, many people have taken to calling me a dork. I am not really sure what a dork really is. I have always seen myself as a nerd; possibly a geek, but not a dork. Now I am not sure what I really am. What is the difference anyway. Confused Dork, or is it Geek, or Nerd. I don't know. Dear Confused, Just recently I have stumbled across the answer to your dilemma. It is all right here in this chart.

Do you need help from Bob? Send in your questions to the Bob Blog and someday Bob just might get around to answering them. The answers supplied for Bob are not necessarily the opinions of this blog and are meant for meaningful self-help assistance. For advice, e-mail Bob at dearbob@boboston.com.
1 comment:
I prefer geek but will answer to nerd. Dork and dweeb are just plain out.
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