ALL ABOARD for an all new look from the old blog! I looked long and hard at the last blog and why it failed. The problem was I was working too hard to keep too many things and features going. Gone are the ads; I never got paid anyway; and here are simple features that I hope many will find interesting. Here to stay are Post Cards From My Cell Phone, an interesting feature that will share some interesting points of interest. I will share current event happenings from my life, as well as share my unique view commentaries on selected current events. Eventually, if I ever find the rest of the manuscript, I hope to continue to post the rest of Misery Loves Company: An Autobiography of a Love Life that Never Was: or: How to Succeed in Finding Love in One Easy Step: By Making the Attempt. You will also be able to follow the adventures of all your favorite Characters: Norman the Tortoise, Makk and Geiss, Nush Nukems, and the all new adventures of Pyra Putty Pat!
And something no other blog has ever offered: Free tickets to Disneyland. Yes that's right. By just being a reader of the Bob Blog, you can get yourself and up to two others into the Happiest Place on Earth. Just see the side bar for more information.
Stay tuned. The New and Improved Bob Blog will be with you soon!
OCTOBER 1, 2009
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