In Celebration of Spring, Bearded Dragons Makki and Gyis have awakened from their deep winter slumber and have begun life for 2010 in earnest. For those of you that may not know much about dragons, they brumate, over the winter. Brumation is kind of like hibernation, but it's different. They just kind of shut down when it's cold and start going when it warms up. During this period they don't eat or drink. But if you shine a light on them to see if they are awake, they give you a look that could kill.
To get an early start on spring, which starts later this week, Makki and Gyis got their first order of worms today. I tried shooting video of the event. But as you can see, Makki saw the camera and was at first camera shy. I tried dangling a worm in front of her, but all she saw was the camera. She didn't do anything until I dumped all twenty worms in front of her, and then she couldn't resist.
Gyis on the other hand wasn't camera shy at all. In fact, he was nothing but a ham hamming it up. Here you can watch him grab a worm and then look directly at the camera as he deliberately chews each bite and chomps down each individual worm.
It should be the early dragon gets the worm.
X enjoyed watching the dragons "eat snakes".
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